Parksville Community Park Washroom & Site Improvements

Parksville, Vancouver Island, British Columbia


Civil and Structural Engineering - Herold Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering - Lewkowich Engineering
Architect (schematic) - Solis Architecture

The TULA Project was engaged by the City of Parksville as the prime consultant to build park washrooms and provide pedestrian linkages within the Parksville Community Park.

The TULA Project worked closely with the City and the project team to determine building placement & layout on site. The placement of the building takes into careful consideration pedestrian circulation, outdoor showers, gathering space, shelter, view sheds, and seating at anticipated meeting locations.

The outdoor program includes a plaza adjacent to the volleyball beach courts which will be used as a gathering area to view the ocean and passive game play, and provide programming space for large tournaments.

The TULA Project is responsible for the coordination of geotechnical, architectural, civil, structural and electrical scopes of work.

Construction in progress


Parksville Community Plaza


Connaught Open Street